18 Hilarious Myths People Believe about Northeast India


1. The Northeast does not belong in India.

The northeastern region of India consists of 8 states comprising of Assam, Meghalaya, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram, Tripura, Nagaland, Manipur and Sikkim, all of which are within the territorial boundary of the country and are as Indian as any other state in the country. In fact, Northeast India constitutes 8% of India’s landmass. 

2.  The Northeast is remote and therefore, empty.

The Northeast is well populated just like any other place in the country. According to the 2011 census, 40 million people inhabit Northeast India. Remoteness simply refers to certain hilly terrains within the region that have a low population density but that does not translate to no people at all! Population density is simply the average number of people inhabiting every square kilometer of land.

3. The Northeast is a hotbed of insurgency.

Yes, we do have armed factions that demand autonomy from the Central government but here’s a fact that will open up your eye to how little popular they are: The Indian general election of 2014 had an 80% voter turnout in all northeastern states, the highest among all states of India. Clearly, the Indian government is more popular among the northeastern citizens than the insurgency!

4. The Northeastern people have absolutely no dressing sense.

Every tribe and community has their own unique traditional attire. They are unfamiliar to the rest of India and so does not necessarily translate to a lack of dressing sense. In a broader sense, you will find that the traditional Indian attire might seem somewhat odd to someone from Europe! This is simply because of unfamiliarity, not a lack of dressing sense. Contrary to the myth, however, Northeast India is probably one of the most fashionable regions in the country where traditional motifs and designs are integrated into trends that are in vogue!

5. The Northeastern people are jungle dwelling adivasis and are illiterate.

Adivasis are members of aboriginal tribes that existed before the arrival of the Aryans. Tribe is a social division in a traditional society consisting of communities that are linked by social, economic, religious or blood ties, sharing a common culture and dialect. There is a significant difference between the two in today’s context! Moreover, according to 2011 census, Mizoram has a literacy rate of 91.58% while Tripura has a literacy rate of 87.75 % and both states come within the top 5 ranks! This myth is clearly just that—a myth!

6. Northeastern girls dress inappropriately.

Being trendy and fashionable doesn’t always have to mean inappropriate conduct. It is an age-old saying that the way one dresses should reflect one’s personality. Girls from Northeast India are indeed amongst the best dressed people in the country!  They dress smart and carry themselves with dignity!

7. Northeastern girls look strange and ugly.

This is just that—a myth. Northeastern girls are absolutely gorgeous with their flawless skin, beautiful hair, gorgeous smiles and unwavering elegance!

8. EVERYONE in the Northeast have small almond-shaped “chinki” eyes.

The almond shaped eye is a Sino-Tibetan feature, which many people in Northeast India share. However, Northeast India in itself has a diversity in demographic. Ethnically different people have different aesthetics. There are Bengalis and other people living in the Northeast who don’t have small eyes!

9. The Northeastern people eat everything from dogs to pigs and other bizarre creatures.

People in Goa consume pigs. Can we generalize the entire country based on a little state? We can’t! Similarly, there are diverse cuisines within the Northeast itself. Some people consume pigs and some people may consume dog meat on special occasions. That certainly doesn’t make it a staple food for the entire region! That would be a hilarious assumption!

10. It’s always raining in the Northeast a.k.a there is no sunshine.

Northeast India has a subtropical climate that receives an annual precipitation of 200 cm, most of which is received during the monsoon season. A tropical climate is generally very warm and humid as it receives a lot of sunshine, which along with the rainfall, contributes to the rich biodiversity of the region!

11. The Northeast has no roads.

Northeast India has adequate roads, most of which are squeaky clean!

12. The only access to the Northeast is by a helicopter.

This is what a classic myth sounds like. Railways in the Northeast are busy and popular just like airports and roadways! A helicopter ride is only for specific people with specific purposes and journeys over hilly terrains. 

13. The Northeastern people have no communication skills.

English is the official language of Arunachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, Nagaland and the co-official language of Assam and Sikkim. The facts speak for themselves!

14. Rhinos in the Northeast are equivalent to cows on a regular Indian street.

The greater one-horned rhinoceros, a vulnerable species on the IUCN Red List, is more likely to be found safe and sound in the Kaziranga National Park or in Jorhat than in a random street in a random city in a random state in Northeast India.

15. The Indian military is on every single street of every single city of every single state in the Northeast, imposing curfew.

While it’s true that the Northeast has many military bases and it’s not very unusual for armed soldiers to be in the streets, it’s only a myth that vigilant soldiers stand guarding everywhere, heated and tense, waiting for a bomb to go off any minute!

16. The Northeast is in the south/south-east/on the eastern ghat.

Someone once asked me if the northeastern state of Assam was in the south, somewhere near Orissa. I would like to believe that Northeast India is called the “NORTHEAST” for some reason.

17. The Northeastern people pretend to be Christians and idolize the west.

Christianity found its way into the Northeast way before the advent of the British.  Christian missionaries looking for a way to China and Tibet visited Northeast India as early as the 17th century. The influence grew stronger with the advent of the British, much stronger than in other parts of India. Christianity is a major religion in the Northeast and Christian culture, which is commonly perceived as western culture, has been a part of our lives ever since. Seemingly western ways and lifestyle are a part of our culture and identity. So there’s neither any idolization nor any pretence in that!

18. All they do is booze, music and absolutely no studies.

Music is a major part of any northeastern Indian’s life. It is a major part of our culture. It is inculcated in us from our childhood and there is nothing wrong with that! In the colder climates, wine is a normal part of food culture. But it’s certainly not an indulgence! Academics, on the other hand, is an individual preference or interest. Difference in demographic cannot decide who is more likely to be academically involved!

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